PHP Publication List
The following cumulative list includes literature by authors affiliated with the Parallel History Project on Cooperative Security (PHP) (not necessarily on subjects related to the project), articles referring to the project, as well as analytical essays from the project's website and other digital publications. The publication list is arranged chronologically
2009, 2008
, 2007
, 2006
, 2005
, 2004
, 2003
, 2002
, 2001
, 2000
, -1999
Svend Aage Christensen. "The Marshal's Baton." Danish Institute for International Studies Report 2009:18. Jussi Hanhimäki. "Reif für die Rente? Wie sich die UN für die Herausforderung des 21. Jahrhunderts rüsten sollten." Internationale Politik 64, no. 2 (2009): 72-78. Vojtech Mastny. “How Able was ‘Able Archer’? Nuclear Trigger and Intelligence in Perspective.” Journal of Cold War Studies 11, no. 1 (2009): 108-123. Vojtech Mastny. "Eastern Europe and the Early Prospects for EC/EU and NATO Membership." Cold War History 9, no. 2 (2009): 203-221. Douglas Selvage. “Transforming the Soviet Sphere of Influence? US-Soviet Détente and Eastern Europe, 1969-1976.” Diplomatic History 33, no. 4 (2009): 653-670. |
Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny and Christian Nuenlist, eds., Origins of the European Security System: The Helsinki Process Revisted, 1965-1975. London: Routledge, 2008. Mary Ann Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, eds., NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts. Kent: Kent State University Press, 2008. Jordan Baev. "The Warsaw Pact and Southern Tier Conflicts, 1959-1969." In NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts, edited by Ann Mary Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, 193-205. Kent: Kent State University Press, 2008. Csaba Békés. "Why Was There No 'Second Cold War' in Europe? Hungary and the East-West Crisis Following the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan." In NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts, edited by Mary Ann Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, 219-232. Kent: Kent State University Press, 2008. Lawrence S. Kaplan. "NATO United, NATO Divided: The Transatlantic Relationship." In NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts, edited by Mary Ann Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, 3-24. Kent: Kent State University Press, 2008. Anna Locher and Christian Nuenlist. "Containing the French Malaise? The Role of NATO's Secretary General." In NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts, edited by Mary Ann Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, 75-90. Kent: Kent State University Press, 2008. "Soviet Policy and the Military Side of Détente," in Säkerhetspolitik och historia: Essäer om stormaktspolitiken och Norden under sjuttio år. Vänbok till Krister Wahlbäck [Security Policy and History: Essays on Great Power Politics and the North since the 1930´s in Honor of Krister Wahlbäck], ed. Mats Bergquist and Alf.W.Johansson (Stockholm: Hjalmarson & Högberg, 2007), pp. 263-84. Vojtech Mastny. "Able Archer: An der Schwelle zum Atomkrieg?" In Krisen in Kalten Krieg, edited by Bernd Greiner, Christian Th. Müller and Dierk Walter, 505-522. Hamburg: Hamburg Institute for Social Research, 2008. Vojtech Mastny. "The Warsaw Pact: An Alliance in Search of a Purpose." In NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts, edited by Mary Ann Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, 141-160. Kent: Kent State University Press, 2008. Christian Nuenlist. "Expanding the East-West Dialogue Beyond the Bloc Division: the Neutrals as Negotiators and Mediators, 1969-1975." In Origins of the European Security System: The Helsinki Process Revisted, 1965-1975, edited by Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny and Christian Nuenlist, 201-221. London: Routledge, 2008. Christian Nuenlist. "The Quiet Man: Dean Rusk and Europe." Journal of Transatlantic Studies 6, no. 3 (2008): 263-278. Christian Nuenlist. "Die NATO und der Berlinkrise von 1958 bis 1961. " In Krisen in Kalten Krieg, edited by Bernd Greiner, Christian Th. Müller and Dierk Walter, 244-273. Hamburg: Hamburg Institute for Social Research, 2008. Roland Popp. "An Application of Modernization Theory During the Cold War? The Case of Pahlavi Iran." International History Review 30, no. 1 (2008): 76-98. Bernd Schaefer. "The Sino-Soviet Conflict and the Warsaw Pact, 1969-1980." In NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts, edited by Mary Ann Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, 206-218. Kent: Kent State University Press, 2008. Bernd Schaefer. "'Europe Must Not Become a Greater Finland': Opponents of the CSCE - the German CDU/CSU and China." In Origins of the European Security System: The Helsinki Process Revisted, 1965-1975, edited by Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny and Christian Nuenlist, 124-142. London: Routledge, 2008. Douglas Selvage. "The Warsaw Pact and the German Question." In NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts, edited by Mary Ann Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, 178-192. Kent: Kent State University Press, 2008. Douglas Selvage. "The Warsaw Pact and the European Security Conference, 1964-1969: Sovereignty, Hegemony and the German Question." In Origins of the European Security System: The Helsinki Process Revisted, 1965-1975, edited by Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny and Christian Nuenlist, 85-106. London: Routledge, 2008. Nicholas J. Wheeler. "'To Put Oneself into the Other Fellow's Place': John Herz, the Security Dilemma and the Nuclear Age." International Relations 22, no. 4 (2008): 493-509. |
Anna Locher. "A Crisis Foretold: NATO and France, 1963-66." In Transforming NATO in the Cold War: Challenges Beyond Deterrence in the 1960s, edited by Andreas Wenger, Christian Nuenlist and Anna Locher, 107-127. (London: Routledge, 2007. Vojtech Mastny. "Soviet Policy and the Military Side of Détente." In Säkerhetspolitik och historia: Essäer om stormaktspolitiken och Norden under sjuttio år. Vänbok till Krister Wahlbäck [Security Policy and History: Essays on Great Power Politics and the North since the 1930s in Honor of Krister Wahlbäck], edited by Mats Bergquist and Alf W. Johansson, 263-284. Stockholm: Hjalmarson & Högberg, 2007. Vojtech Mastny. "Why Did the Cold War End Peacefully? The Importance of Europe." Historically Speaking 9, no. 2 (2007): 8-10. By courtesy of Historically Speaking. Ennio di Nolfo, Massimiliano Guderzo, Leopoldo Nuti, and Christian Ostermann, eds., Cold War Alliances and the Rise of Détente, 1965-73 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, forthcoming). Christian Nuenlist. "Into the 1960s: NATO's role in East-West relations, 1958-63." In Transforming NATO in the Cold War: Challenges Beyond Deterrence in the 1960s, edited by Andreas Wenger, Christian Nuenlist and Anna Locher, 67-88. London: Routledge, 2007. Leopoldo Nuti. La sfida nucleare. La politica estera italiana e le armi atomiche 1945-1991. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2007. Leopoldo Nuti. "A Decade of Disillusion and Disappointment: Italy and NATO in the 1960." In Transforming NATO in the Cold War: Challenges beyond Deterrence in the 1960s, edited by Andreas Wenger, Chris Nuenlist and Anna Locher, 201-218. London: Routledge, 2007. Andreas Wenger, Christian Nuenlist, and Anna Locher, eds., Transforming NATO during the Cold War: Challenges Beyond Deterrence in the 1960s. London: Routledge, 2007. Andreas Wenger and Doron Zimmerman, eds., How States Fight Terrorism: Policy Dynamics in the West. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2007. |
2006 |
Jordan Baev. "Bulgarian Arms Delivery to Third World Countries, 1950-1989." PHP Website, 18 September 2006. Jordan Baev. “Bulgarian Policy toward Greek Military Junta regime (1967-1974).”Etudes Balkaniques 4 (2005): 147-156. Jordan Baev, ed. & introduction, Bulgaria and the Middle East Conflict During the Cold War Years, A CD Interactive Bilingual Documentary Volume. Sofia:96+ Publishing House, 2006. Jordan Baev, Kostadin Grozev.“Житейската одисея на българина „Джордж” [The Odyssey of “George” the Bulgarian], In Преломни времена [Crucial Times], 598-632. Sofia: Sofia University Press, 2006. Jordan Baev. “CIA NIEs on former Yugoslavia: a view from Bulgaria.”Bulgarian Journal of American and Transatlantic Studies 1, no. 1 (2006) - Thomas Blanton and Malcolm Byrne, eds., CIA Had Single Office in Hungary 1956. "No Inside Information" and "Little Outside Information," National Security Archive (NSA), 31 October 2006. Daniele Caviglia and Massimiliano Cricco. “Prefazione.” In La diplomazia italiana e gli equilibri mediterranei. La politica mediorientale dell’Italia dalla guerra dei Sei Giorni al conflitto dello Yom Kippur (1967-1973), 5-10. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2006. Massimiliano Guderzo. “Pace e integrazione: l’Italia tra Stati Uniti e CEE.” In Guerra e pace nell'Italia del Novecento. Politica estera, cultura politica e correnti dell'opinione pubblica, edited by Luigi Goglia, Renato Moro and Leopoldo Nuti, 505-531. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2006. Jan Hoffenaar and Michiel de Jong, Op herhaling. De Koninklijke Landmacht en haar reservisten 1945-2006 [Retraining the Royal Netherlands Army and its reserve personnel 1945-2006]. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom, 2006. Anna Locher. "Finland: Actor or broker as EU chair?"ISN Security Watch, 3 July 2006. Vojtech Mastny, Sven G. Holtsmark, and Andreas Wenger, eds., War Plans and Alliances in the Cold War: Threat Perceptions in the East and West. London: Routledge, 2006. Vojtech Mastny. "The Elusive Détente: Stalin's Successors and the West." In The Cold War after Stalin's Death: A Missed Opportunity for Peace?, edited by Klaus Larres and Kenneth Osgood, 3-26. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006. Christian Nuenlist and Anna Locher, eds., Aspects of NATO History, 1956-75. Zurich: Center for Security Studies, 2006. Christian Nuenlist."Kennedy, die Berliner Mauer und die Kubakrise: Die westliche Allianz in der Zerreissprobe, 1961-63 (review)." Journal of Cold War Studies 8, no. 2 (2006):159-161. Leopoldo Nuti with Vladislav Zubok. "Ideology." In Palgrave Advances in Cold War History, edited by Saki Dockrill and Geraint Hughes, 73-110. London: Palgrave, 2006. Leopoldo Nuti. "John F. Kennedy, la Presidenza e il Partito Democratico." Italiani/Europei.Bimestrale del Riformismo Italiano 6, no. 5 (2006). László Ritter and Erwin A. Schmidl. The Hungarian Revolution of 1956. London: Osprey Publishing, 2006. Antonio Varsori.“The United States and the European Economic Community: From John F. Kennedy to Lyndon B. Johnson.” In Inside the European Community. Actors and Policies in the European Integration, 1957-1972, 433-454. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2006. |
Jordan Baev and Kostadin Grozev, “Bulgaria”, in A Handbook of the Communist Security Apparatus in East Central Europe. 1944-1989 (Warsaw: Institute of National Remembrance, 2005), pp. 37-86.
Jordan Baev, “ Системи и организации за международна сигурност”, “Европейска и евроатлантическа сигурност”, “Участие в операции за поддържане на мира” [“International Security Systems and Organizations”, European and Euro-Atlantic Security”, “Participation in Peace Support Operations”], In: Национална и международна сигурност [National and International Security] (Sofia: Voenno Izdatepstvo, 2005), pp. 144-155, 167-176, 473-483.
Jordan Baev, ed., Bulgarian Intelligence and Security Services in the Cold War Years, CD Interactive Bilingual Documentary Volume, (Sofia: 96+ Publishing House, 2005).
Jordan Baev, “Структурни и функционални промени в българското военно разузнаване след края на Втората световна война” [Structural and Functional Transformation of the Bulgarian Military Intelligence after the World War II] , In: Втората световна война, България и следвоенния свят [World War II, Bulgaria, and the Postwar World] (Sofia: Voenno Izdatelstvo, 2005), pp. 177-190.
Jordan Baev and Plamen Dimitrov, “Балканският дебют на Европейския съюз като военна сила” [EU Balkan début as a military power] , In Plamen Dimitrov, ed., Европейската политика за сигурност и отбрана и Българската армия [The European Security and Defense Policy and Bulgarian Armed Forces], (Sofia: EC Programme “Europe-2003” and Armed Forces and Civil Societ y Foundation, 2005), pp. 61-71.
Jordan Baev and Kostadin Grozev, “Българските специални служби в годините на Студената война” [Bulgarian Special Services in the Cold War Years], Istoria [Sofia], 2005, no. 5-6: 99-127.
Jordan Baev, “The “out-of-area” new Euro-Atlantic Missions: Some Implications for Bulgaria's Participation in the Black Sea Security Cooperation”, in Security & Stability in the Black Sea Area, (Bucharest: National Defence University “Carol I” Publishing House, 2005), pp. 112-124.
Csaba Békés, “Introduction,” Records of the Warsaw Pact Deputy Foreign Ministers, ed. Csaba Békés, Anna Locher, and Christian Nuenlist.
Csaba Békés, “Hungary and the Making of the CSCE Process, 1965–1970, in Carla Meneguzzi Ristagni, ed., The Helsinki Process: A Historical Reappraisal (Padua: CEDAM, 2005). pp. 29-44.
Malcolm Byrne and Vojtech Mastny, “The Warsaw Pact, Gone with a Whimper,” International Herald Tribune, 14-15 May 2005, p. 4.
Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, Danmark under den kolde krig: Den sikkerhedspolitiske situation 1945-1991 [Denmark in the Cold War: The Security Policy Situation 1945-1991, 4 vols.] (Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies, 2005)
Daniele Ganser, "Terrorism in Western Europe: An Approach to NATO's Secret Stay-Behind Armies" The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations (Winter/Spring 2005): 69-95.
Daniele Ganser, "The British Secret Service in Neutral Switzerland. An Unfinished Debate on NATO's Cold War Stay Behind Armies," Intelligence and National Security 20 (4) (December 2005): 553-580.
Max Guderzo, “ Stati Uniti ed Europa. Il federalismo europeo nella considerazione della dirigenza politica americana da Johnson a Nixon” , in Daniela Preda and Cinzia Rognoni, eds., Storia e percorsi del federalismo. L'eredità di Carlo Cattaneo (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2005), II, pp. 1091-1138.
Max Guderzo, "Gli Stati Uniti e il primo allargamento della Comunità europea, 1963-1973," in Ariane Landuyt and Daniele Pasquinucci, eds., Gli allargamenti della CEE/UE, 1961-2004, (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2005), II, pp. 1129-1260.
Max Guderzo, "L'impero europeo," in Max Guderzo and Maria Eleonora Guasconi, 2004: l'allargamento dell'Unione europea. Storia, politica, sicurezza, diritto ed economia , Atti del convegno tenuto a Urbino, 7-8 maggio 2004, “Studi Urbinati”, 2005.
Max Guderzo, "La Spagna nelle relazioni internazionali durante la seconda guerra mondiale," in Giuliana Di Febo and Renato Moro, Fascismo e franchismo. Italia-Spagna: relazioni, immagini, rappresentazioni (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2005).
Thomas Holderegger, "Die trilateralen Verhandlungen 1966 / 1967. Die ersten Schritte der Administration Johnson zur Lösung der NATO Krise," Zürcher Beiträge zur Sicherheitspolitik und Konfliktforschung 76 (Forschungsstelle für Sicherheitspolitik der ETH Zürich).
Wanda Jarząbek, “Władze Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej wobec problemu reparacji i odszkodowań od Republiki Federalnej Niemiec, 1953-1989” [The Government of the Polish People's Republic and the Question of Reparations and Compensation from the Federal Republic of Germany, 1953-1989], Dzieje Najnowsze, 2005, no. 2: 85-103.
Wanda Jarząbek, “Doktryna Ulbrichta czy doktryna Gomułki? Polska a koordynacja polityki bloku wschodniego wobec Ostpolitik w latach 1966-1967” [The Ulbricht or the Gomulka Doctrine? Poland and the Coordination of the Eastern Bloc Policy toward the Ostpolitik , 1966-1967], Dzieje Najnowsze, 2005, no. 3: 19-45.
Wanda Jarząbek, “Władze PRL wobec normalizacji stosunków z RFN w latach 1970-1975 [The Attitude of the PPR Government toward the Normalization of Relations with the FRG, 1970-1975], Rocznik Polsko-Niemiecki, 2005, no. 12: 37-69.
Anna Locher, “Von der 'diplomatischen Teeparty' zur Mammutkonferenz: Interview with Prof. Seppo Hentilä,” Finnland-Magazin 74 (2005): 3-7.
Anna Locher, “Finnlands Neutralität im Kalten Krieg - ein Land zwischen Abgrenzung und Anpassung,” Finnland-Magazin 74 (2005): 9-10.
Anna Locher and Christian Nuenlist, “Die kurze Geschichte des Warschaupakts,“ Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14 May 2005, p. 9.
Vojtech Mastny, “The Historical Experience of Federalism in Eastern and Central Europe,” in The Changing Faces of Federalism: Institutional Reconfiguration in Europe from East to West, ed. Sergio Ortino, Mitja Žagar, and Vojtech Mastny (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005), pp. 21-46.
Vojtech Mastny, “ The Launching of the Warsaw Pact and Soviet Grand Strategy,” in Der österreichische Staatsvertrag 1955: Internationale Strategie, rechtliche Relevanz, nationale Identität, ed. Arnold Suppan, Gerald Stourzh, and Wolfgang Mueller (Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005), pp. 145-162.
Vojtech Mastny, “The Warsaw Pact as History,” in A Cardboard Castle? An Inside History of the Warsaw Pact, 1955-1991, ed. Vojtech Mastny and Malcolm Byrne (Budapest and New York: Central European University Press, 2005), pp. 1-74
Vojtech Mastny, “Was 1968 a Strategic Watershed in the Cold War?” Diplomatic History 29, no. 1 (2005): 149-77
Christian Nuenlist, "Der Sargnagel des Kommunismus," Zürichsee Zeitung, 30 July 2005, p. 12.
Christian Nuenlist, "Skepsis gegenüber Aktivismus der Schweiz: Neue Perspektiven zur KSZE-Politik der Schweiz von 1972-75," Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 26 July 2005, p. 13.
Christian Nuenlist, "Der Genfer Gipfel 1955: Nur eine Atempause," Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 19 July 2005, p. 5.
Christian Nuenlist, "Er war als 'Mr. X' bekannt: Der US-Diplomat George F. Kennan starb 101-jährig," Aargauer Zeitung, 19 March 2005, p. 7.
Leopoldo Nuti, “ On recule pour mieux sauter, or ‘What Needs to Be Done' (to understand the 1970s)”, in Silvio Pons and Federico Romero (eds.), Reinterpreting the History of the Cold War. Issues, interpretations, periodizations (London: Cass, 2005), pp. 39-51.
Leopoldo Nuti, “The Richest and Farthest Master is Always Best : US-Italian Relations in Historical Perspective”, in David Andrews (ed.) The Atlantic Alliance Under Stress: US-European Relations After Iraq (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 177-198.
Sergio Ortino, Mitja Zagar, and Vojtech Mastny (eds.), The Changing Faces of Federalism: Institutional Reconfiguration and Europe from East to West (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2005), 313 pp.
Marie-Pierre Rey, Alain Blum, Martine Mespoulet, Anne de Tinguy, and Gérard Wild, eds., Les Russes de Gorbatchev à Poutine (Paris, Colin, 2005).
Marie-Pierre Rey, “Le retour à l'Europe ? Les décideurs soviétiques face à l'intégration ouest-européenne, 1957-1991,” Journal of European Integration History 11, no. 1 (2005) : 7-27. Special issue o edited by Marie-Pierre Rey.
Olav Riste, Norway's Foreign Relations – a History. 2nd (revised) edition (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2005).
Olav Riste, “Daniele Ganser, NATO's Secret Armies. Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe” [review], Intelligence and National Security 20, no. 3 (2005).
László Ritter,“‘Germanofil' jelenti. A Gestapo magyar ügynökei” [‘ Germanophile' reports. The Hungarian Agents of the Gestapo] (with Balázs Ill ényi ) Heti Világgazdaság, 16 April 2005, 15. pp. 71-73.
László Ritter, War On Tito's Yugoslavia? The Hungarian Army in Early Cold War Soviet Strategies. Analysis, Document and Photo Collection. Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact,
László Ritter, Végigitt voltak. Szovjet kémek Magyarországon. [They were here all the time. Soviet Intelligence in Hungary] (with Balázs Illényi ) Heti Világgazdaság, 8 January 2005, 1. pp. 71-73.
László Ritter, “Ellenállhatatlan ellenálló. A legújabb Bond-girl eredetije” [Krystyna Skarbek, thereal Vesper Lynd] (with Illényi Balázzsal), Heti Világgazdaság, 16 December 2005, 50. pp. 67-70.
Bernd Schaefer, "North Korean Unification Policy in the Early 1970s (as documented in the East German Archives)," Journal of History and Culture [Seoul] 23 (December 2005): 35-58.
Bernd Schaefer, "Berlin Wall," "U.S.-GDR Relations," "West Berlin," in Germany and the Americas. Culture, Politics, and History. A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia ed. Thomas Adam (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC Clio, 2005), pp. 135-137, 1071-1073, 1134-1139.
Berd Schaefer, "George W. Bush (2001-): Missionarische Präsidentschaft" in Die amerikanischen Präsidenten. 42 historische Porträts von George Washington bis George W. Bush, ed. Jürgen Heideking and Christof Mauch (Munich: Beck, 4th edition 2005), pp. 424-437, 472-474.
Henrik Eberle and Matthias Uhl, eds., Das Buch Hitler. Geheimdossier des NKWD für Josef W. Stalin, zusammengestellt aufgrund der Verhörprotokolle des Persönlichen Adjutanten Hitlers, Otto Günsche und des Kammerdieners Heinz Linge, Moskau 1948/49 (Bergisch Gladbach: Lübbe, 2005).
Henrik Eberle and Matthias Uhl, eds., The Hitler Book. The secret dossier prepared for Stalin (London: Murray, 2005).
Henrik Eberle and Matthias Uhl, eds., The Hitler Book. The secret dossier prepared for Stalin from the interrogations of Hitler's personal aides (New York: Public Affairs, 2005).
Henrik Eberle and Matthias Uhl, eds., Neizvestnyj Gitler [The unknown Hitler] (Moscow: Olma-Press, 2005).
Henrik Eberle and Matthias Uhl, eds., Teczka Hitlera [The Hitler Dossier] (Warsaw: OWIAT 2005).
Henrik Eberle and Matthias Uhl, eds., Stalins Hitler-Dossier [The Hitler-Dossier for Stalin] (Copenhagen: Aschehoug, 2005).
Henrik Eberle and Matthias Uhl, eds., Il dossier Hitler. Dall'archivio segreto di Stalin (Turin: Utet Liberia, 2005).
Henrik Eberle and Matthias Uhl, eds), Knjiga o Hitleru [The Hitler Book] (Rijeka: IPD, 2005).
Henrik Eberle and Matthias Uhl, eds., Het Boek Hitler [The Hitler Book] (Utrecht: Bruna, 2005).
Jordan Baev and Edwin Micewski, eds., Civil-Military Relations Teaching Guide and Curriculum, (Vienna: National Defense Academy, 2005).
Jordan Baev, “Transformation of the United States National Security System since September 11th 2001,” in: America in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the Bulgarian American Studies Association/ Conference (Sofia: BASA, 2004).
Yordan Baev, “Взаимодействието между страните от НАТО в борбата срещу международния тероризъм” [The interaction between NATO member countries in combating international terrorism], in: Предизвикателствата на ХХІ век [21st Century Challenges] (Varna: Varna Free University Press, 2004), pp. 169-181.
Yordan Baev, “55 години НАТО: продължаващото разширение на съюза” [55 Years of NATO: The Ongoing Enlargement], Voennoistoricheski Sbornik [Sofia], No. 2, 2004: 3-7.
Florian Banu and Liviu Taranu, Aprilie 1964 - Primavara de la Bucuresti : cum s-a adoptat "Declaratia de independenta" a României?, [April 1964 - "Bucharest Spring”. How Was Romania’s "Declaration of Independence” Adopted?], (Bucharest Enciclopedica, 2004).
Lavinia Betea, "Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej i rela]iile rom=no-chineze”, [Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej and Romanian-Chinese Relations], Revista de Istorie Militar, Bucharest, 2004, no. 4-5, pp.46-59.
Kjell Inge Bjerga: “En alternativ luftforsvarstradisjon?”[An Alternative Air Defence Tradition?], Luftled – luftmilitært tidsskrift, no. 2 (2004)
M. Braut-Hegghammer, “Disarming Iraq? The United Nations Special Commission 1991–1998,” Forsvarsstudier/Defence Studies, no. 4 (2004)
Vasile Buga, "Desprinderea Rom=niei din sfera de influensa sovietica ;n viziunea Moscovei”, [Romania’s Detachment from the Soviet Sphere of Influence As Seen by Moscow], Dosarele Istoriei, Bucharest, 2004, no.4, pp. 61-64.
Jacob Børresen: “Coastal Power: The Sea Power of the Coastal State and the Management of Maritime Resources”, in Navies in Northern Waters, ed. Rolf Hobson and Tom Kristiansen (London: Frank Cass Publishing, 2004)
Jacob Børresen, Gullow Gjeseth and Rolf Tamnes, Allianseforsvar i endring, 1970–2000, vol. 5 of Norsk forsvarshistorie [The Changing Character of Alliance Defence, 1970–2000, vol. 5 of History of Norwegian Defence] (Bergen: Eide forlag, 2004)
Dan Catanus, "Reac]ii moscovite la "Declara]ia” din aprilie 1964”, [Moscow’s Reactions to the RWP Declaration of April, 1964], Dosarele Istoriei, Bucharest, 2004, no. 4, pp. 42-47.
C. Coker, “Is There a Western Way of Warfare?” IFS Info, no. 1 (2004)
Massimiliano Cricco, “Diplomazia del multilateralismo: Il caso Italia” [review of “L'Italia e le organizzazioni internazionali: Diplomazia multilaterale nel Novecento”, ed. Luciano Tosi (Padova: CEDAM, 1999], Letture Urbinati di Politica e Storia (2001-2003): 148-155 (Rome: Digitalshop, 2003).
Massimiliano Cricco, “Gheddafi e la nuova strategia del petrolio in Libia (1970-73),” in Diplomazia delle risorse: Le materie prime e il sistema internazionale nel Novecento, ed. Max Guderzo and Matteo Luigi Napoletano (Florence: Polistampa, 2004), pp. 231-246.
Massimiliano Cricco, “Il progetto 'Great Man-Made River' e le risorse idriche in Libia,” in Meridione: Sud e Nord nel Mondo 3, no. 3-4 (May-August 2003): 23-33 (Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2004).
Dennis Deletant and Mihail E. Ionescu, Romania and the Warsaw Pact, 1955-1989. Selected Documents, (Bucharest: Paideia, 2004).
Remco van Diepen, Hollanditis. Nederland en het kernwapendebat 1977-1987 [The Dutch disease. The debate on nuclear arms in the Netherlands: 1966-1987] (Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 2004).
Corneliu Filip, "Tratatul de la Varsovia si principalele crize contemporane, 1955-1991”, [The Warsaw Pact and the Main International Crises, 1955-1991], Dosarele Istoriei, Bucharest, 2004, no.1, pp. 47-59.
Marilena Gala, “Tecnologia, armamenti ed equilibrio del terrore negli anni cinquanta”, in Diplomazia delle risorse. Le materie prime e il sistema internazionale nel Novecento, ed. Massimiliano Guderzo and Matteo Luigi Napoletano (Florence: Polistampa, 2004), pp. 119-130
Marilena Gala, “Western Europe and Negotiations on Arms Control: The Anglo-Americans and the Evolving Concept of European Security, 1963-68”, in Europe, Cold War and Coexistence, 1953-1965 ed. Wilfried Loth (London: Cass, 2004), pp. 258-273.
Dinu C. Giurescu, “Declarasia din aprilie 1964”, [The RWP Declaration of April 1964], Dosarele Istoriei, Bucharest, 2004, no.4, pp.14-18.
Roald Gjelsten: “The Role of Naval Forces in Northern Waters at the Beginning of a New Century”, in Navies in Northern Waters, ed. Rolf Hobson and Tom Kristiansen (London: Frank Cass Publishing, 2004).
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Rolf Hobson and Tom Kristiansen, “Det ’lille hamskiftet’ i norsk militærhistorie: Den indre sikkerhetsberedskapen i mellomkrigstiden – og alle de andre temaene i norsk forsvarshistorie” [New trends in Norwegian military history...], in Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, No. 2 (2003), pp. 249–74.
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Gusztav Kecskés, “A NATO és az 1956-os magyar forradalom” [NATO and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution] História, 2003. n° 5-6, pp. 3-6.
Gusztav Kecskés, “The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956,” in The Ideas of the Hungarian Revolution, Suppressed and Victorious 1956-1999, ed. Lee W. Congdon and Béla K. Király (Highland Lakes, NJ: Atlantic Research and Publications, 2002), pp. 112-141. [Published in 2003]
Gusztav Kecskés, “Az okafogyott muníció. Nagy Imre kivégzésének diplomáciai utójátéka” [Munition without Reason. The Diplomatic Aftermath of the Execution of Imre Nagy]. Heti Világgazdaság June 21, 2003., pp. 65-67.
Gusztav Kecskés, “La révolution hongroise de 1956 et la politique étrangère française,” Le Journal Francophone de Budapest, 22 October 2003, p. 6.
Tom Kristiansen, “De europeiske småstatene på vei mot storkrigen, 1938–1940” [Europe’s small states and the approaching war, 1938–1940], in IFS Info, No. 6 (Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, 2003).
Tom Kristiansen, “Vi ligger i ildlinjen. Otto Ruge og Norges strategiske stilling i mellomkrigstiden” [We are in the field of fire. General Otto Ruge and Norway’s strategic position in the 1930s], in Sven G. Holtsmark, Helge Ø. Pharo & Rolf Tamnes, eds., Motstrøms. Festskrift til Olav Riste [Against the current. Festschrift for Olav Riste] (Oslo: Cappelen, 2003), pp. 133–160.
Anna Locher and Christian Nünlist, “Internationale Sicherheitspolitik im Kalten Krieg: Das Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact (PHP),” in Bulletin 2003 zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik, ed. Andreas Wenger (Zürich: Forschungsstelle für Sicherheitspolitik der ETH Zürich, 2003), pp. 161-170.
Anna Locher and Christian Nuenlist, “Reinventing NATO: Canada and the Multilateralization of Détente, 1962-66,” International Journal [Toronto] 58: 2 (Spring 2003), pp. 283-302.
Mihai Macuc, "Disidenţe în Pactul de la Varşovia: România şi Cehoslovacia" [Dissidence within the Warsaw Pact: Romania and Czechoslovakia], Revista de Istorie Militară, Bucharest, 2003, no. 1-2: 27-35.
Rasmus Mariager, “Political Ambitions and Economic Realities: Britain, Denmark and the US in the Early Cold War”, Jørgen Sevaldsen, Claus Bjørn, Bo Bjørke (eds.), Britain and Denmark: Political, Economic and Cultural Relations in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2003), p. 535-573.
Rasmus Mariager, “Anglocentrisme versus amerikacentrisme”, Historisk Tidsskrift 103, no. 2 (2003).
Vojtech Mastny, “Il fallimento e la svolta,” Italiani/europei [Rome], 2003, no. 4 (September-October): 194-200.
Vojtech Mastny, “Die NATO im sowjetischen Denken und Handeln, 1949-1956,” in Vojtech Mastny and Gustav Schmidt, Konfrontationsmuster des Kalten Krieges, 1946-1956 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2003), pp. 381-471.
Vojtech Mastny, Protektorát a osud českého odboje (Prague: Eurolex Bohemia, 2003), translation of The Czechs under Nazi Rule: The Failure of National Resistance, 1939-1942 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1971)
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James Kenneth McDonald, “CIA og hemmelige spesialoperasjoner: Myten om operasjon Rollback 1947–52” [CIA and covert action: The Myth of Operation Rollback, 1947–1952], in Sven G. Holtsmark, Helge Ø. Pharo & Rolf Tamnes, eds., Motstrøms. Festskrift til Olav Riste [Against the current. Festschrift for Olav Riste] (Oslo: Cappelen, 2003), pp. 295–224.
Anton Mioara, "Formarea unei noi elite politice. Selecţionarea cadrelor în PMR, 1948-1952" [The Emergence of the New Political Elite: 1948-1952], Studii şi materiale de Istorie Contemporană, vol.II (Bucharest: Institutul de istorie "Nicolae Iorga," 2003), pp. 147-158.
Anton Mioara, "1965-1967: Moscova-Bucureşti. Disensiuni întro alianţă a "egalilor" [1965-1967: Moscow-Bucharest. Divergences within an alliance of "equals"], Revista de Istorie Militară, Bucharest, 2003, no. 1-2: 21- 26.
Anton Mioara, "Partidul Muncitoresc Român şi bilanţul politicii de cadre. Decembrie 1951" [The Romanian Workers Party and the Balance of the Cadre Policy, December 1951], Studii şi materiale de Istorie Contemporană, vol.II (Bucharest: Institutul de istorie "Nicolae Iorga," 2003), pp. 243-254.
R. Nederhof, Blazing Skies. De Groepen Geleide Wapens van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht in Duitsland, 1960-1995 [Blazing Skies. The Guided Missile Groups of the Royal Netherlands Air Force in Germany, 1960-1995] (Den Haag: SDU Uitgevers, 2002).
Mircea Nicolaescu, "Washington-Beijing, via Bucureşti" [Washington-Beijing, via Bucharest], Magazin Istoric, Bucharest, 2003, no.3: 45-48.
Paul Niculescu-Mizil, O istorie trăită. Memorii. [A Lived History. Memories], vol. II, (Bucharest, 2003).
Gottfried Niedhart, “Zustimmung und Irritationen: Die Westmächte und die deutsche Ostpolitik 1969/70,“ in Deutschland, Großbritannien, Amerika. Politik, Gesellschaft und Internationale Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert. Festschrift für Gustav Schmidt zum 65. Geburtstag, eds. Ursula Lehmkuhl, Clemens A. Wurm, Hubert Zimmermann (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2003), pp. 227-245.
Gottfried Niedhart, “The British Reaction towards Ostpolitik. Anglo-West German Relations in the Era of Détente 1967-1971,” in Debating Foreign Affairs. The Public and British Foreign Policy since 1867, ed. Christian Haase (Berlin: Philo, 2003), pp.130-152.
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Niu Jun, 朝鲜战争中美国战争局部化政策的形成,[The Making of the United States Policy of “Limited War” during the Korean War], 陶文钊、杜瑞清、王旭等编:《中美关系与东亚政治格局》Zhong Mei Guanxi yu Dongya Zhengzhi Geju [Sino-American Relations and East Asian International Politics], 中国社会科学出版社,2003年出版 (Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue,2003).
Niu Jun, 中国崛起:梦想与现实之间的思考, [The Rise of China: Between Dream and Reality], 国际经济评论 Guoji Jingji Pinglun, (International Economy Review), 2003, Vol. 11-12.
Niu Jun, 1962:中国对外政策‘左’转的前夜,[1962:On the Eve of the “Left Turn” in China’s Foreign Policy] 《历史研究》 Lishi Yanjiu (Historical Studies),2003, Vol, 3, and English version in Social Sciences in China, Summer 2003.
Niu Jun, 中国未来安全环境与中美关系[China’s Future Security Environment and the United States-China Relations], “北大讲座”编委会:《北大讲座》Beida Jiangzuo (Lectures at Peking University) ,Vol.4, 北京大学出版社2003年出版, (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2003).
Niu Jun, 美国对台湾政策与美台关系的演变:一个历史的考察,[The Evolution of the United States Taiwan Policy and US-Taiwan Relations: A Historical Survey],周荣耀主编:《“9•11后的大国战略关系》911 Yihou de daguo zhanlue guanxi,[Strategic Relations among the Great Powers after “September 11”],中国社会科学出版社2003年版(Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue,2003).
Niu Jun, 近十年来中苏关系研究的新进展,[New Achievements of the studies on Sino-Soviet Relations in the Last Decade],党史研究资料 Dangshi Yanjiu Ziliao [Materials on CCP’s Historical Studies],2003, Vol. 1.
Olav Njølstad, “Beretningen om en varslet provokasjon: Norske og sovjetiske perspektiver på 50-megatonnsprengningen over Novaja Zemlja i 1961” [Chronicle of a provocation foretold: The Sovjet superbomb explosion on Novaia Zemlia 30 October 1961], in Sven G. Holtsmark, Helge Ø. Pharo & Rolf Tamnes, eds., Motstrøms. Festskrift til Olav Riste [Against the current. Festschrift for Olav Riste] (Oslo: Cappelen, 2003), pp. 355–397.
Christian Nünlist, "Helle und dunkle Seiten von Camelot: Mythos Kennedy," in Zürichsee Zeitung (22 November 2003): 17.
Christian Nünlist, "Ich bin ein Berliner: Kennedy, Adenauer, de Gaulle und Chruschtschow im Juni 1963," in Der Zürcher Oberländer (26 June 2003): 3.
Christian Nünlist, "Unbekannte Hysterie der Sowjets: Die sowjetische Kriegsangst von 1983," in Zürichsee Zeitung (8 November 2003): 16.
Leopoldo Nuti, "The Center-Left Government in Italy and the Escalation of the Vietnam War", in Andreas W. Daum, Lloyd C. Gardner and Wilfried Mausbach (eds.), America's War and the World. Vietnam in International and Comparative Perspectives (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
Leopoldo Nuti, Continuità e rottura nella politica estera americana da Eisenhower a Kennedy, in Atlantismo e europeismo, ed. Piero Craveri and Gaetano Quagliariello (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2003).
Leopoldo Nuti, “An Instrumental and Atlantic Europe: Discussions about Foreign Policy and the Future of the Nation State in Italy, 1945-1955”, in Dominik Geppert (ed.), The Postwar Challenge: Cultural, Social and Political Challenge in Western Europe, 1945-1958 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
Leopoldo Nuti, “L’Italia e lo schieramento dei missili da crociera BGM-109 G ’Gryphon’,” in La politica estera italiana negli anni ottanta, ed. Ennio Di Nolfo (Bari: Piero Lacaita, 2003).
Leopoldo Nuti, “L’Italie et l’escalade de la guerre au Vietnam”, in L’Europe et la guerre au Vietnam, ed. Maurice Vaïsse (Paris : Fayard, 2003).
Leopoldo Nuti, "Italy and the Berlin Crisis, 1958-1961", with Bruna Bagnato, in John Gearson and Kori Schake (eds.), The Second Berlin Crisis (London: Palgrave, 2003).
Leopoldo Nuti, “NATO's Transformations After 1989: Different Interpretations”, in Unione Europea e Sicurezza del continente: tra storia e politica, Quaderni FORUM, vol. 16, no. 1 (2003); also published as “L’Europa centro-orientale e le trasformazioni della NATO dopo il 1989”, in L’altra metà del continente: l’Europa centro-orientale dalla formazione degli Stati nazionali all’integrazione europea, ed. Francesco Guida, (Padua: CEDAM, 2003).
Leopoldo Nuti, “Le relazioni tra Italia e Stati Uniti agli inizi della distensione”, in L'Italia repubblicana nella crisi degli anni settanta, vol. I, Tra guerra fredda e distensione, ed. Agostino Giovagnoli e Silvio Pons (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2003).
Leopoldo Nuti, “The Role of the US in Italy’s Foreign Policy”, The International Spectator 38, no. 1 (January-March 2003), pp.91-102; also published as “La carta americana nella politica estera italiana: ovvero, il padrone più ricco e più lontano è sempre il migliore”, Italiani/europei 3, no.2 (2003).
Leopoldo Nuti, “Stay Behind i Italia: Opprinnelsen til Operazione Gladio” [Stay Behind in Italy: The origins of Operazione Gladio], in Sven G. Holtsmark, Helge Ø. Pharo & Rolf Tamnes, eds., Motstrøms. Festskrift til Olav Riste [Against the current. Festschrift for Olav Riste] (Oslo: Cappelen, 2003), pp. 325–354.
Leopoldo Nuti, “The United States, Italy and the Opening to the Left, 1953-1963”, in Between Empire and Alliance. America and Europe during the Cold War, ed. Marc Trachtenberg, (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003).
Imre Okváth, “A Varsói Szerződés és a magyar forradalom” [The Warsaw Pact and the Hungarian Revolution], in Tizenhárom nap, amely… Tanulmányok az 56-os magyar forradalom és szabadságharc történetéből [Thirteen days that … Studies on the History of the 56’ Hungarian Revolution and the Fight for Freedom], ed. Horváth Miklós (Budapest: Hadtörténelmi Intézet és Múzeum, 2003), pp. 61-74.
Petre Otu and Aurel Pentelescu, Gheorghe I. Brătianu, Istorie şi Politică (1936-1947) [Gheorghe I. Brătianu. History and Politics (1936-1947)] (Bucharest, Corint, 2003).
Andrzej Paczkowski “Les archives de securité de la République Populaire de Pologne en tant que source”, Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire 52 (2003), 58-79.
Andrzej Paczkowski, “Co dzieje się z przeszłością?” [What’s happenening with the past?], in Europa. Zbliżenia, kontrowersje, perespektywy [Europe: Approaches, controversies, outlooks], ed. Elżbieta Hałas (Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2003), pp.45-67.
Janusz Gmitruk and Andrzej Paczkowski, eds. Diariusz premiera Stanisława Mikołajczyka [The diary of premier Stanisław Mikołajczyk] (Warszaw: Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza, 2003).
Andrzej Paczkowski, “Jews in the Polish Security Apparatus: An Attempt to Test the Stereotype”, Polin. Studies on Polish Jewry, 16 (2003), 453-464.
Andrzej Paczkowski, “Krieg um die PRL”, in Anti-Totalitarism. Eine polnische Debate, ed. Paweł Śpiewak (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2003), pp.398-406.
Andrzej Paczkowski, “Models of Visits by Western Politicians: Poland and Western Diplomats in 1987”, Cold War History 3 (2003), 127-143.
Andrzej Paczkowski, Spring Will Be Ours: Poland and the Poles from Occupation to the Freedom, 1939-1989 (University Park: Penn State University Press, 2003).
Andrzej Paczkowski, Strajki, bunty, manifestacje jako “polska droga” przez socjalizm [Strikes, revolts, and demonstrations as a “Polish way” through socialism] (Poznań: Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk, 2003).
Andrzej Paczkowski, “System nomenklatury” [The nomenklatura system], in Centrum władzy w Polsce 1948-1970 [The center of power in Poland 1948-1970], ed. Andrzej Paczkowski (Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Politycznych, 2003), pp.115-140.
Magnus Petersson, “Man lär sig… ”vem man kan hålla i hand när leken blir allvar”: Svensk militär underrättelsetjänst och Norge under förste delen av det kalla kriget” [You find out… ”whose hand to hold in time of trouble”: Swedish-Norwegian military intelligence co-operation in the first part of the Cold War], in Sven G. Holtsmark, Helge Ø. Pharo & Rolf Tamnes, eds., Motstrøms. Festskrift til Olav Riste [Against the current. Festschrift for Olav Riste] (Oslo: Cappelen, 2003), pp. 257–294.
Carmen Râjnoveanu, "Politica de autonomie a României în contextul conflictului chino-sovietic: 1960-1968" [Romania' s Policy of Autonomy within the Context of the Sino-Soviet Conflict: 1960-1968], Revista de Istorie Militară, Bucharest, 2003, no. 3: 7-11.
Kimmo Rentola, “Sovjetisk etterretning og Stalins beslutning of krig og fred med Finland, 1939-1940” [Intelligence and Stalin’s decisions on war and peace with Finland, 1939–1940], in Sven G. Holtsmark, Helge Ø. Pharo & Rolf Tamnes, eds., Motstrøms. Festskrift til Olav Riste [Against the current. Festschrift for Olav Riste] (Oslo: Cappelen, 2003), pp. 188–217.
Olav Riste, “Ideal og eigeninteresser: Utviklinga av den norske utanrikspolitiske tradisjonen” [Ideals and self-interest: The evolution of the Norwegian foreign policy tradition], in Sven G. Holtsmark, Helge Ø. Pharo & Rolf Tamnes, eds., Motstrøms. Festskrift til Olav Riste [Against the current. Festschrift for Olav Riste] (Oslo: Cappelen, 2003), pp. 53-88.
Olav Riste, “Istoriia vneshnei politiki Norvegii” [History of Norway’s foreign policy] (Moscow: Ves Mir, Moskva 2003).
Olav Riste, “War and Peace in Scandinavian Political Culture in the 20th Century”, in IFS Info, No. 5 (Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, 2003).
Patrick Salmon, “Fra myte til historie: Den britiske “invasjonen” av Norge i 1940 som problem i det norsk-britiske forholdet i etterkrigstiden” [From myth to history: The British ”invasion” of Norway in 1940 as a problem in post-war Anglo-Norwegian relations], in Sven G. Holtsmark, Helge Ø. Pharo & Rolf Tamnes, eds., Motstrøms. Festskrift til Olav Riste [Against the current. Festschrift for Olav Riste] (Oslo: Cappelen, 2003), pp. 218–256.
Bernd Schäfer, The Warsaw Pact’s Intelligence on NATO: East German Military Espionage Against the West (; 6 November 2003.
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Erwin A. Schmidl, “Die k.u.k. Armee: integrierendes Element eines zerfallenden Staates?“ in: Michael Epkenhans und Gerhard P. Groß (eds.), Das Militär und der Aufbruch in die Moderne 1860-1890 (Munich: Oldenbourg 2003), 143-150.
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Kjetil Skogrand, “Norwegian Nuclear Policy 1945–1970”, in Karl L. Kleve, ed., The Cold War, Military Power and the Civilian Society, in Series, No. 5 (Bodø: Norwegian Aviation Museum, 2003), pp. 101–12.
Florin Şperlea, "Avatarurile ‘armatelor populare’ în lagărul sovietic între anii 1948-1953. Studiu comparativ." [The People's Armies in the Soviet Bloc between 1948 and 1953. A Comparative Study], Studii şi materiale de Istorie Contemporană, vol.II (Bucharest: Institutul de istorie "Nicolae Iorga," 2003), pp. 179-194.
Florin Şperlea, "Propaganda comunistă despre întemeierea NATO" [Communist Propaganda about the Establishment of NATO], Revista de Istorie Militară, Bucharest, 2003, no. 4-5, 81-86.
Kurt R. Spillmann, Andreas Wenger, Michel Hess (eds.) with the Assistance of Karin Fink, Setting the 21st Century Security Agenda: Proceedings of the 5th International Security Forum (Bern: Peter Lang, 2003).
Jean-Michel Sterkendries, La Belgique et la sécurité de l'Europe occidentale 1944-1955 (Brussels: Université libre de Bruxelles, 2003).
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Matthias Uhl, “Biographisches zur Führungsspitze des NKVD während der Großen Säuberungen,” in Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung 2003 (Berlin: Aufbau, 2003), pp. 347-55.
Matthias Uhl, “Heinz Keßler – Honeckers politischer General,” in Genosse General! Die Militärelite der DDR in biographischen Skizzen, eds. Hans Ehlert and Armin Wagner (Berlin: Links, 2003), pp. 421-54.
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