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Closing Ranks or Drifting Apart? The Warsaw Pact on Thin Ice (1961–1969) |

Building on original archival research and our large online holdings, this new E-dossier by Laurien Crump of Utrecht University questions conventional wisdoms
about the history of the Warsaw Pact. Crump documents the attempts by
the smaller Pact countries to assert themselves from Soviet dominance
inside the alliance. By contextualising the crises and internal
disagreements that the WP was confronted with from 1961–69, she succeeds
in showing that the WP was much more than a transmission belt of the
Soviet Union.
Latest Publications |
- Daniel Möckli, Victor Mauer, European American-Relations and the Middle East. From Suez to Iraq. London/New York: Routledge, 2011.

- Christian Nünlist, Anna Locher and Garret Martin,
Globalizing de Gaulle: International Perspectives on French Foreign Policies, 1958–1969. Lanham, MD, 2010.
- Anna Locher, Crisis? What Crisis?
NATO, de Gaulle, and the Future of the Alliance, 1963-1966. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010.

- Andreas Wenger, Vojtech Mastny and Christian Nuenlist, eds., Origins of the European Security System: The Helsinki Process Revisted, 1965-1975. London: Routledge, 2008.

- Mary Ann Heiss and S. Victor Papacosma, eds., NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Intrabloc Conflicts.
Kent: Kent University Press, 2008.
Recent Collections |
- Spying on the West : Soviet-Bulgarian Scientific Intelligence Cooperation
- Indo-Soviet Relations : New Russian & German Evidence

- Submarine Intrusions in Swedish Waters During the 1980s

- Poland in the Warsaw Pact Organization, 1955-1989 : Documents from Polish Archives

- Relations between India and the Soviet Bloc: The Romanian Perspective

- The Soviet Union and Indonesia During the First Postwar Decade

- India-Soviet Bloc Relations: Bulgaria

- Indo-Soviet Relations: the View from India

- Indo-Soviet Relations: the Stalin and Khrushchev Years

- The Soviet Threat to Sweden during the Cold War

Latest Conferences |
- Uncovering the Sources of Nuclear Behavior: Historical Dimensions of Nuclear Proliferation

- Cooperative Security in East and Southeast Asia: Learning Lessons from History to Meet Future Challenges

- Politico-Military Assessments of the Northern Flank, 1975-1989

- A Strained Partnership: European-American Relations and the Middle East from Suez to Iraq

- From Helsinki to Gorbachev, 1975-1985: The Globalisation of the Bipolar Confronation

- Oral History Roundtable on Military Planning

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PHP NEWS, 3 February 2011
Dear Madam, dear Sir,
We would like to alert you to recent developments in the Parallel History Project on Cooperative Security,
Spying on the West : Soviet-Bulgarian Scientific Intelligence Cooperation
Adding to the PHP's compilation on intelligence issues, this new collection by long-time PHP-affiliate Jordan Baev details Soviet-Bulgarian collaboration on collecting scientific and technological intelligence. It is based on formerly top-secret Bulgarian intelligence documents made available to the public for the first time.
India and the Soviet Bloc, 1971-1989
In his third collection on Indo-Soviet relations under Stalin, Andreas Hilger draws on new documentation from the Archive of the Parties and Mass Organizations of the Former GDR (SAPMO) to analyze the close relations between India and the Soviet Bloc from the early 1970s to the end of the Cold War.
Submarine Intrusions in Swedish Waters During the 1980s
Following previous PHP-supported research on the controversial subject of submarine incursions in Swedish waters during the 1970s and 1980s (see here and here), Bengt Gustafsson, the former General and Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, once again reviews the evidence. Drawing on previously unused sources as well as technical expertise, Gustaffson argues in this PHP E-Dossier that Soviet responsibility for these incursions can now be safely assumed.
Globalizing De Gaulle
This new volume edited by former PHP team members Christian Nuenlist and Anna Locher, together with Garret Martin, offers 13 articles on different aspects of de Gaulle's global policies. Both multi-polar in its outlook and multi-archival, the new volume integrates previously neglected regions, actors and topics with more familiar aspects of France's foreign relations. The book has been published in the Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series.
The Middle East and Transatlantic Relations
Entitled 'European-American Relations and the MiddleÂEast' and edited by Daniel Moeckli and Victor Mauer of the Center for Security Studies at ETH Zurich, this volume analyses how, why, and to what extent European and US roles, interests, threat perceptions, and policy attitudes in the Middle East have changed, relating to both the region as a whole and the two main issues analysed: Gulf Security and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.
India and the Soviet Union
Building on our numerous document collections on the foreign relations of India, PHP project coordinator Vojtech Mastny analyses the Indo-Soviet relationship in the Journal of Cold War Studies.
Stay tuned! As ever - we welcome your feedback and hope you enjoy the PHP website.
Roland Popp and the PHP team
Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich |