Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance: Summary Record of a Meeting Held on 19 May 1967; Memo from Deputy Executive Secretary (Fritz C. Menne) to Secretary General (Manlio Brosio)-undated- |
This memorandum, prepared by NATO Deputy Executive Secretary Fritz Menne, summarizes the discussions of a meeting of the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance, whose agenda was the preparation of an interim progress report for possible submission to the ministers. In order to avoid officially confronting the ministers with questions that have only recently come under examination by the sub-groups, the necessity for a procedural and schematic rather than a substantive report is emphasized.
Collection: Harmel Report
Document Type:
Memorandum Origin (Agency): NATO Executive Secretariat Sender: Fritz Menne, Deputy Executive Secretary, NATO Destination (Agency): NATO International Staff Recipient: Manlio Brosio, Secretary General, NATO Language of Original Document: English Number of Pages: 7 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Menne, Brosio, Watson, Spaak, Kohler, Patijn |
Document Source: NATO Archives, Brussels Call Number: NISCA 4/10/5 |