"Website Unveils Nuclear War Plans," Online Journalism.com, 30 November 2001, by
by Alex Ulmanu
The Zurich, Switzerland-based Web site of the Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact (PHP) unveiled that a number of West-European cities, including Vienna, Munich and Verona, were targeted to be "completely destroyed" according to plans for war in Europe. PHP is an international consortium of scholars dedicated to the study of the historical background of European security. The Warsaw Pact was the Soviet Union-controlled military alliance opposed to NATO during the cold war. The documents published on the site were found in theHungarian archives. Experts have always suspected Western European locations were targeted, but this is the first time that obliteration of specific cities is confirmed from top-secret planning records. The Warsaw Pact plans presumed the destruction of Budapest and other Hungarian cities by NATO nuclear bombs but did not elaborate on the consequences. According to the documents, the Warsaw Pact forces were prepared to ignore the neutrality of Austria on the assumption The detailed descriptions of probable Western military operations found in the documents suggest Warsaw Pact intelligence gathered NATO top-secret plans for war, none of which has been made public thus far. |