Document Reader for the International Conference
Reviewing the Relations between China and East European Countries: From the 1960s to the 1980s
24-26 March 2004, Beijing/China
The following documents have been obtained by PHP associates Bernd Schaefer from former East German archives, Oldřich Tůma from former Czechoslovak archives, Mihail Ionescu from Romanian archives, and Jordan Baev from Bulgarian archives, in preparation for the International Seminar on "China and the Warsaw Pact in the 1970-1980s" on 24-26 March 2004 in Beijing. They are available in facsimile of the Parallel History Project (PHP) website,, and the Cold War International History Project (CWIHP) website, Selected documents have been translated by Karen Riechert for CWIHP.
The conference was organized by the Party History Research Center of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in cooperation with the Modern History Research Center and Archives (the PHP's Chinese associate) and the School of International Relations, both at Peking University, and the Parallel History Project and the Warsaw Pact (PHP), in cooperation with the Cold War International History Project (CWIHP), the George Washington University Cold War Group (GWCW), and the LSE Cold War Studies Centre.