Third PHP Workshop
8 October 2001, Florence, Italy
The PHP held its 3rd workshop on 8 October 2001 in Florence. It was hosted by the Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies (CIMA). Partners and associates as well as scholars and archivists reported about the state of Cold War research and the progress of declassification in their respective countries.
Agenda |
Morning Session |
Opening |
- Ennio Di Nolfo, Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies, Florence
- Thomas S. Blanton, National Security Archive, Washington
- Andreas Wenger, Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research, Zurich
Introduction |
- Vojtech Mastny, Project Coordinator, Washington
Reports |
- Kjaetil Skogrand, Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies, Oslo
- Petr Lunàk, NATO HQ, Inst. Of International Relations, Prague
- Jordan Baev, Cold War Research Group, Sofia
- Imre Okvath, Cold War History Research Center, Budapest
- Gen. Mihail E. Ionescu, Inst. for Political Studies of Defense and Military History, Bucharest
- Maurice Vaïse, CHEVS, Sciences Po, Paris
- Jussi Hanhimaki, Institut universitaire de hautes etudés internationales, Geneva
- Saki Dockrill, King's College, London
Lunch Break |
Afternoon Session |
Reports |
- Bernd Schäfer, German Historical Institute, Washington
- Marcin Zaremba, Institute for Political Studies, PAN, Warsaw
- Krister Wahlback, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm
- Trine M. Kjeldahl, Danish Institute of International Affairs, Copenaghen
- Hans-Christian Bjerg, International Association of Military History and International Association of Archives, Danmark
- Victor Papacosma, Lemnitzer Center for NATO and EU Studies, Kent State University, Ohio
- Ross Johnson, Radio Free Europe, Washington
Working Plan 2002 |
- Priorities in 2002
- PHP beyond 2002
Conclusion |