Letter from the Warsaw Pact Supreme Commander (Ivan Iakubovskii) to Erich Honecker14 Oct 1963 |
In his letter to the first secretary of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, Erich Honecker, Soviet General Ivan Yakubovsky proposes measures to minimize the espionage activities of Western Military Liaison Missions in East Germany.
Collection: Western Military Missions
Document Type:
Letter Sender: Ivan Iakubovskii, Warsaw Pact Supreme Commander Recipient: Erich Honecker, First Secretary of East German Socialist Unity Party Language of Original Document: Russian Number of Pages: 1 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Iakubovskii, Honecker |
Document Source: Foundation Archive of the Parties and Mass Organizations of the Former GDR in the Federal Archives (SAPMO), Berlin Call Number: DY 30/3691, Bl. 169 |