Report of the Secretary General of the CC CPSU (Leonid I. Brezhnev) at the WP Leaders' Meeting in Crimea30 Jul 1973 |
This report by the Secretary General of the CC of the CPSU Brezhnev, presented at the July 1973 Crimea meeting of the leaders of the European socialist countries and Mongolia focuses on issues regarding the role, position, and activities of the Warsaw Pact countries in the international arena. The first topic on the agenda deals with the results of the common policy of the socialist countries during the previous year, giving specific attention to negotiations and agreements reached with FRG, France and USA subsequent to the Basic Treaty of 1972. Secondly, some basic tendencies regarding future foreign policy are outlined, among which most important are the increase of defensive power in reciprocation with NATO, the situation in China and Indo-China, and collective security in Asia and the Middle East. Further discussed are issues of the cooperation among the socialist countries, the need to perfect the political and military mechanisms in the Warsaw Pact, the importance of developing close relations and providing support to other non-European socialist countries, such as Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, and Latin America in general. Collection: War Plans and Alliances
Document Type:
Report Language of Original Document: Bulgarian Translators: Julia Cherneva Number of Pages: 68 Cold War Period: 1970s Persons: Brezhnev, Nixon, Pompidou, Brandt, Gromyko, Zhivkov, Gierek, Kádár, Husák, Honecker, Ceauşescu, Castro, Allende, Tsedenbal, Kim Il Sung, Nasser, Sadat |
Document Source: Central State Archive (TsDA), Sofia Call Number: Fond 1-B, Record 35, File 4300 |