East German Statement (New Armament and Military Equipment)11 Jan 1983 |
This statement by the East German Ministry of Defense addresses the first point of the agenda of the 15th session of the Warsaw Pact's (WP) Committee of Ministers of Defense in Prague. It refers to the mastery of new weapons and military equipment by the armies of the WP. The document evaluates security threats caused by NATO and mentions the WP's efforts to pursue arms negotiations. Due to the prevailing US and West German policy, the WP United Armed Forces must be equipped with modern armaments. The East German National People's Army is to introduce modern weapons systems between 1984 and 1985.
Collection: Defense Ministers
Document Type:
Memorandum Origin (Agency): East German Ministry of Defense Destination (Agency): Heinz Hoffmann, East German Minister of Defense Language of Original Document: German Number of Pages: 11 Cold War Period: 1980s Persons: Fabrikov |
Document Source: Federal Archives of Germany, Military Branch (BA-MA), Freiburg i. Br. Call Number: DVW 1/71040 |