Note on a Conversation with Soviet Ambassador to India (Victor Maltsev)4 Jul 1977 |
This note by the GDR Embassy in India summarizes a consultation between East German ambassador Schüssler and the ambassador of the USSR, Maltsev, on the recent developments in the domestic politics of India.
Both sides agree that, with the change of government in early 1977, India is entering a new phase of its history which they regard as a transitional phase. Applying a Marxist understanding of social change, they interpret the recent political quarrels as representing a conflict between different factions of the bourgeoisie. Accordingly, the takeover by the Janata Party does not represent a fundamental change of power relations in India.
For the future, a diminishing of influence of the pro-Soviet progressive forces in general and the Indian Communists in particular is expected. Despite the re-orientation in favor of the Capitalist social and economic system, Soviet and East German observers predict a continuation of the non-aligned foreign policy posture and the preservation of close relations between Moscow and New Delhi.
Collection: Indo-Soviet Relations
Document Type:
Note Origin (Agency): GDR Embassy, New Delhi Sender: Wolfgang Schüssler, Ambassador Language of Original Document: German Number of Pages: 10 Cold War Period: 1970s Persons: Victor Maltsev, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Andrei A. Gromyko, Morarji Desai, Leonid I. Brezhnev |
Document Source: Foundation Archive of the Parties and Mass Organizations of the Former GDR in the Federal Archives (SAPMO-BArch), Berlin Call Number: DY 30/IV B 2/20/443 |