Note pour le Secrétaire Général du l'OTAN (Manlio Brosio) de M. Bacchetti (Directeur du Cabinet)6 Jul 1967 |
This note by the director of the Private Office of the NATO Secretary-General, Fausto Bacchetti, outlines the details of a contribution by Belgian Minister of State Paul Henri Spaak at the fifth meeting of Sub-Group 2. Bacchetti refers to Spaak's view that the Atlantic community has not developed according to the initial conception of the alliance. Spaak therefore considers a common policy vis-à-vis Germany and Berlin to be essential. Bacchetti further points to Spaak's emphasis on engaging in an ideological battle with Communism, and on the importance of communicating this struggle to the public at large. Collection: Harmel Report
Document Type:
Note Origin (Agency): Private Office of NATO Secretary General Sender: Fausto Bacchetti, Director of the Private Office of NATO Secretary General Destination (Agency): NATO International Staff Recipient: Manlio Brosio, NATO Secretary General Language of Original Document: French Number of Pages: 3 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Brosio |
Document Source: NATO Archives, Brussels Call Number: NISCA 4/10/4/2 |