Forms and Methods of Operational and Combat Training of the UAF and Measures for Improvement1 Dec 1981 |
This set of documents contains the summary of a report given by the chief of staff of the United Armed Forces (UAF), Anatoli Gribkov. Attached is a report presented by East German Deputy Minister of National Defense Fritz Streletz. Both reports were delivered during the 14th session of the Warsaw Pact's Committee of Defense Ministers in Moscow in 1981. Gribkov stresses the importance of enhancing the UAF's combat-readiness and of weapon upgrades. He states that military training must be improved. Streletz expresses his agreement with Gribkov's remarks and makes additional comments on NATO's war plans for conflict in Central Europe. Collection: Defense Ministers
Document Type:
Report Origin (Agency): Warsaw Pact Unified Command Sender: Anatoli I. Gribkov, Chief of Staff of the United Armed Forces (UAF), Warsaw Pact Language of Original Document: German Number of Pages: 21 Cold War Period: 1980s Persons: Gribkov, Streletz |
Document Source: Federal Archives of Germany, Military Branch (BA-MA), Freiburg i. Br. Call Number: DVW 1/71039 |