Letter from Supreme Commander of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (M. Sacharov) to the East German Interior Minister (Karl Maron)14 Mar 1960 |
In this letter, the supreme commander of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, M. Sacharov, informs the East German minister of internal affairs, Karl Maron, that the identification cards and vehicle registration documents issued to the members of the Military Liaison Missions will remain valid after March 1960, and asks him to disregard the previously issued designs for new cards.
Collection: Western Military Missions
Document Type:
Letter Origin (Agency): Supreme Command of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany Sender: M. Sacharov, Supreme Commander of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany Destination (Agency): East German Ministry of Internal Affairs Recipient: Karl Maron, East German Minister of Internal Affairs Language of Original Document: German Number of Pages: 1 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Sacharov, Maron |
Document Source: Foundation Archive of the Parties and Mass Organizations of the Former GDR in the Federal Archives (SAPMO), Berlin Call Number: DY 1/ 2.2./ 62110 |