Groupe Spécial sur les Tâches Futures de l'Alliance - Compte Rendu d'une Réunion au Siège Permanent, 13 Mars 1967Subject: Examen d'un Document de Travail Etabli par le Secretariat d'après les Propositions des Delegations18 Mar 1967 |
This document gives an account of the Special Group meeting on 13 March 1967. It documents the feedback of the NATO permanent representatives regarding the suggestions for study topics that NATO Secretary General Manlio Brosio proposed in his working paper. The minutes point out that several delegates prefer to assign several study subjects to each sub-group. The meeting concludes with the decision to redraft the working paper and to modify the list of study topics.
Collection: Harmel Report
Document Type:
Memorandum of Conversation Origin (Agency): NATO Executive Secretariat Sender: Fritz C. Menne, NATO Deputy Executive Secretary Destination (Agency): NATO International Staff Recipient: Manlio Brosio, NATO Secretary General Language of Original Document: French Number of Pages: 8 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Brosio |
Document Source: NATO Archives, Brussels Call Number: NISCA 4/10/2 |