Protocol11 Jan 1983 |
These are the minutes of the 15th session of the Warsaw Pact (WP) Committee of Ministers of Defense (CMD) in Prague. The document lists the participants and summarizes the main topics discussed, including the use of new military equipment and armaments, the development and modernization of the tactical air forces, and the improvement of military command, control, and communications systems. Furthermore, the minutes include lessons learned from armed conflicts in the Middle East and in the Falkland Islands. The document concludes with the agenda of the 16th CMD meeting. Collection: Defense Ministers
Document Type:
Record Language of Original Document: German Number of Pages: 23 Cold War Period: 1980s Persons: Dzhuriv, Czinege, Hoffmann, Dzúr, Olteanu, Ustinov, Kulikov, Siwicki, Gribkov |
Document Source: Federal Archives of Germany, Military Branch (BA-MA), Freiburg i. Br. Call Number: DVW 1/71040 |