Book Launch of "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism
in Western Europe" by Daniele Ganser
Author Daniele Ganser, Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies, presented findings from his recently published book on 1 February 2005 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. The study describes NATO's Stay-Behind Armies in Western Europe during the Cold War, some of which became tragically linked to right-wing terrorism. Comments were provided by the following experts and witnesses: |

- Prof. Andreas Wenger, Director of the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich
- Prof. Georg Kreis, Director of the Institute of European Studies, Basel University
- Dr. Hans Senn, Korpskommandant aD, former head of the Swiss Army
- Helmut Hubacher, former President of the Swiss Social Democratic Party
- Dr. Bruno Lezzi, Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Video and text documentaries on the book launch of NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe |
Konferenz "Nato Geheimarmeen und P26". Die dunklen Seiten des Westens, Language: German |
ETH Life |
3 February 2005 |
ETH Video |
24 March 2005 |
Note: The video file of the live speech is in MPEG-4 format. The total duration of the documentary comprises about 1hour 30 minutes. You will need to download and install the free QuickTime Player to view it. Please click on the link above or on the screenshot below to access the ETH video stream server and to see the whole movie. The hear only a specific part of the movie, click on the names below.
Speaker: |
Starting time: |
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[01:02:20] |
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[01:23:10] |

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